Friday, September 09, 2005

Welcome to my blog!


It is nearly four weeks since I filed for city council, and the question I keep asking myself is: Where has the time gone?

I'll tell you where it's gone. I have recruited a campaign manager, a treasurer, a secretary, a webmaster, and two very determined volunteer coordinators. Together, this is the dream team, and I pity the candidate who doesn't have my people on his/her team.

We have designed and ordered signs, ads, and assorted other printed matter. We have opened a bank account for the campaign and sent out fund-raising letters. We have recruited other volunteers to the cause, and now, thanks to their combined efforts, I finally have a moment to blog.

I plan to blog almost daily for the duration of the campaign. My purpose is twofold. First, I want a forum that allows me to examine issues in greater depth than the usual one-minute sound bite.

Second, I think it will be fun. And if politics can't be fun, then why am I here?

Hmm: That's what you were just asking yourself. Why am I here?

There are formal answers to this question at my campaign Web site. I confess: I have a good writer helping me with that site. I tell him what to write, and he frames it in prose. Here, on the other hand, it's just you and me, the writer and the reader, and we can swap those roles from time to time if you have comments, questions, or concerns.

Why am I running for council?

The short answer is this: I have a vision for American Fork, and a passion for public service.

If you want the long answer, you're going to have to tune in next time, because I have promised to keep all campaign encounters short, sweet, and simple. Which means I have exactly thirty seconds left before I run out of


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